美商得利選 MDC 全球滿意保證






Email 標題:Enquiring Product Refund

Email 內容:

To whom it may concern

Hello. I'm writing to enquire the 60-day refund of MDC product. 

My ID is 4243xxx (username: emmaxxx), and my enroller is XXX. I would like to get a refund of the empty bottle guarantee, since I am not that satisfied with the products. I ordered a Director Pack (8 daily sprays), and I am willing to ship back all the containers to receive a refund. 

One of your customer service helper, Katie Hill, have sent a reply regarding my enquiry. Attached is a photo of the received email reply, and therefore I am writing in person, and I will return all containers to the provided address. 

However, i still have several questions.

1. What information should I write on the returning package?

2. After the Taiwan office have received my product, when could I get my refund?

3. Where will the refunded money be transferred? My credit card account? Or any other ways?

4. Should I pay by myself the shipping fee? Or Taiwan office will pay for me?

Please kindly give me some guidance. Thank you very much.

Yours faithfully




接著我們就收到了客服 Aida的回信

然後我再請會員回覆 內容為:

Dear Aida

Thanks for your help. Yes, I confirm that I’m returning my items. Please kindly provide all the information that I need.



Hello Aida

Thanks for your information. I have already mailed the containers to the provided address, and the tracking number is 90371870401910105000, which is also shown in the attached files.

Still, few questions keep bothering me:
1. Where will the refund be received? What does the financial institution mentioned represent? My creditcard bank account?
2. I understand the refund is processing at the time. Does it mean I am able to receive the funds in 7-10 business days from now on?
3. Will I be noticed once the company receives my returned products?

I look forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

Best Regards

會員將所有產品依照美國公司的指示退還給台灣分公司之後,下個月就接到了信用卡公司商品全額的退刷( 不包括運費的部份)

在與美國客服溝通退貨退款的事宜中我感受到的是:以客為尊的感覺,在過程中也絲毫不拖泥帶水,而會員這邊所感受到的是“百分之百顧客滿意保證”, 對於是推薦人的我來講是完全沒有心理負擔的!!   


💞我是MDCSTAR成功教練 均均

90天免費體驗 MdcBuilder網路創業系統➨dream0308.weebly.com

免費註冊後 請加 LINE : chameli0308

留言:”我有興趣MDC 我的姓名是 xxx”

  • 讓我引導您進入線上辦公室,並獲得線上說明會議訊息會議後,決定權依然在你身上,均均決不過問或推銷的唷!
  • 只有時間早晚及是否願意『全心投入』的問題只要一台可上網的電腦+手機和1個半小時的時間就可以在家中安靜的仔細評估,深入瞭解這份事業!
  • 報名完成後請注意信箱收信,加均均為 LINE 好友


🌟MDCSTAR 得利選之星 網路宅創業系統 真誠丨用心丨助人

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