
1. Be grateful.學會感恩

2. Choose your friends wisely.明智地選擇朋友

3. Cultivate compassion.培養同情和憐憫的心

4. Keep learning.不斷學習

5. Become a problem solver.成為一個解決問題的人

6. Do what you love.做熱愛的事情

7. Live in the present.活在當下

8. Laugh often.經常大笑

9. Practice forgiveness.原諒別人

10. Say thanks often.常說感謝

11. Create deeper connections.要有深交的友人關係

12. Keep your agreement.信守承諾

13. Meditate.靜思冥想

14. Focus on what you’re doing.專注正在做的事情

15. Be optimistic.保持樂觀

16. Love unconditionally.無私地愛人

17. Don’t give up.不要放棄

18. Do your best and then let go.盡力而為然後放下

19. Take care of yourself.好好照顧自己

20. Give back.懂得回饋

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